Company Profiles

Deutsche Securities Inc.

Licenses etc. Financial instruments dealer (Type I Financial Instrument Business and Type 2 Financial Instrument Business)
Kanto Financial Bureau (Kin-sho) No. 117
Money Lender, Governor of Tokyo Prefecture(7)No. 29674
(Member of Japan Securities Dealers Association, The Financial Futures Association of Japan, Type II Financial Instruments Firms Association, Tokyo Stock Exchange, Osaka Exchange and Tokyo Financial Exchange)
Establishment July 2005
Established originally as Deutsche Securities Junbi K.K., for the transfer of all business from Deutsche Securities Limited, Tokyo Branch. Deutsche Securities Junbi K.K. was renamed Deutsche Securities Inc. and started its business on Jan 2006
Start of Operation January 4, 2006
Capital 43,796 million yen
Representative Tamio Honma
President & CEO
Board of Directors
Business offerings Deutsche Securities Inc. is the brokerage and investment banking arm in Japan for Deutsche Bank AG, one of the largest financial institutions in the world. It provides a broad range of products and services to corporate and institutional investors, including sales and trading of bonds, financing and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) advisory, amongst others.
Contact Phone: +81 (0)3 6730 1000

Deutsche Bank AG, Tokyo Branch

Licenses etc Foreign Bank
(Member of The Japanese Bankers Association)

Registered financial institution, Kanto Financial Bureau (Tou-kin) No. 625
(Member of Japan Securities Dealers Association)

Foreign Bank Agency
Principal Foreign Bank: Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft
(No,1852, 1270, 147, 1312, 3223)

Principal Foreign Bank: Deutche Bank Trust Company Americas
Establishment June 22, 1971
Representative Tamio Honma
Representative in Japan and Branch Manager
Business offerings Deutsche Bank’s operational base in Japan. It provides a full range of corporate banking services, including foreign exchange, cash management, trade finance as well as real estate finance, agency services.
Contact Phone: +81 (0)3 6730 1200

DWS Investments Japan Limited

Financial instruments dealer, Kanto Financial Bureau (Kin-sho) No. 359
(Member of Japan Securities Dealers Association, The Investment Trusts Association, Japan, Japan Investment Advisers Association and Type II Financial Instruments Firms Association)
Establishment July 8, 1985
Representative Hiroki Gerhard Wiesheu  President and Representative Director
Business offerings DWS Investments Japan Limited, the Japanese operational base of Deutsche Bank Group's Asset Management division, offers investment products and services for retail and institutional investors such as public and corporate pension funds.
Contact Phone: +81 (0)3 5156 5000 Fax: +81 (0)3 5156 5001