January 2023| New York

Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation announces SHARE 9 finalists

Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation has launched the ninth round of its Supportive Housing Acquisition and Rehabilitation Effort (SHARE) program and 10 finalists have been selected. The SHARE program started in 1998 as a resource to expedite the production of new, permanent housing for the homeless with special needs within New York City. Through the first eight rounds of the program, 72 organizations received awards, and their work has led to:
Building Streetview
  • The creation or rehabilitation of over 9,700 units of supportive housing,

  • Significantly increased capacity of New York’s supportive housing providers to meet the needs of the most vulnerable among us, and

  • Savings to the city, state, and federal governments in excess of an estimated $100 million annually due to reductions in time spent in homeless shelters, inpatient psychiatric hospitals, state prisons, and other health and criminal justice systems.

Almost 25 years later, addressing homelessness in NYC remains an issue of utmost importance. In October 2022, there were 65,633 homeless people, including 20,751 homeless children, sleeping each night in New York City’s main municipal shelter system1. The already stressed shelter system has been further strained by asylum seekers bussed to NYC from other parts of the country. As a result, that same month, Mayor Eric Adams issued an emergency executive order formally directing all relevant city agencies to coordinate their efforts to respond to the asylum seeker humanitarian crisis and construct the city’s Humanitarian Emergency Response and Relief Centers2.

The SHARE award is a three-year award, funded through Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation, comprised of both grants and recoverable grants. Each awarded organization receives $125,000 per year for three years, consisting of an $85,000 project specific grant and a $40,000 recoverable grant. This type of award can be an incredibly powerful boost to the recipient, helping to advance their project forward. “The DB SHARE funding is unique and vital funding for our network of supportive housing developers and can help sustain and propel a project during the pre-development period,“ said Pascale Leone, Executive Director of the Supportive Housing Network of New York (SHNNY).

SHARE 9 awards are being made to 10 organizations whose proposed projects will create and rehabilitate almost 2,000 units of supportive and affordable housing for formerly homeless and lowincome New Yorkers.

The SHARE Round 9 finalists are:

  • Breaking Ground
  • Comunilife
  • The Fortune Society ➢ Lantern Organization ➢ New Destiny
  • Services for the Underserved (S:US)
  •  St. Francis Friends of the Poor
  • The Bridge
  • West Side Federation for Senior and
    Supportive Housing
  • Urban Pathways