The Deutsche Bank youth
    engagement program

Supporting academic persistence

Volunteer tutors are helping students break through academic challenges and gain confidence along the way.

Deutsche Bank employees have volunteered with the Two By Two (formerly JCCA's Two Together) program for more than a decade, providing free individualized tutoring to academically struggling students from New York City public schools. More than 100 children, grades 2 through 12, participate annually. Students come from all five boroughs, through referrals by schools, parents and community agencies, and also word of mouth. All are from low-income families and score below grade level in reading and math, or have other learning needs.

How it works

Students work one-on-one with a tutor for a 90-minute session every week, tackling assigned schoolwork and supplemental skill-building packets in the areas of reading comprehension, vocabulary development, writing and times-table review. After each session, tutors leave a record of student progress for program staff, who respond with recommendations. The staff also works closely with students’ parents toward educational goals.

The program’s volunteer tutors are professionals from all walks of life, including more than 60 Deutsche Bank employees. The tutors double as mentors to the students; their presence alone encourages the students to stay in school and offers them a vision of a rewarding professional life. Tutors are encouraged to spend some time each session on activities that strengthen the mentoring relationship, such as journal writing, sharing a book, playing a game or simply conversing together. Educational and cultural outings complement the program’s academic focus and allow tutor-mentors and students opportunities to further build rapport.

What people are saying

What people are saying - Quote - student

What people are saying - Quote - Deutsche Bank tutor

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Achieving 99%

Last year, 99% of students were promoted to the next grade level

Achieving 91%

Last year, 91% of students raised their report card grades in at least two subjects

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