The Deutsche Bank youth
    engagement program

Strengthening supports for homeless students

For the many children who experience homelessness, myriad obstacles and chronic stress impede educational engagement, opportunity and attainment.

Housing instability is increasing among families in New York City, and children are the invisible face of this trend. With more and more children and youth living in temporary housing arrangements, it is vitally important to understand the unique challenges they face and to promote the educational interventions that best support them. Family homelessness is more than a housing issue—it often co-exists with financial instability, physical and mental health concerns and other challenges that further undermine children's academic success.

Deutsche Bank’s Strategy STH: Stable, Thriving & Healthy initiative supports a coordinated continuum of resources for students experiencing homelessness to address their educational needs and further their well-being. The initiative has provided grants to seven local organizations and established an advisory group of industry thought leaders to guide the development of best practices for this network of grantees and partners.

The Institute for Children, Poverty and Homelessness (ICPH) serves as research partner for this initiative. A deep body of research produced by ICPH and others informed the development of this grants program.

Understanding the scope of student homelessness in New York City


Out of the 1.1 million public school students, 105,000 are homeless—a 56% increase from the 2010-11 school year.1


3,000 homeless students repeat a grade each year at an annual cost of over $72 million.2


36% of homeless students are chronically absent, a rate that is over 71% higher than that of housed students.3


Studies show that each episode of homelessness can result in a six-month academic setback.4

1 in 10

In NYC, 1 in 10 public school students are experiencing homelessness—with some school districts, such as Brooklyn’s District 23, reporting 1 in 5.5

1 “On the Map: The Atlas of Student Homelessness in New York City,” The Institute for Children, Poverty and Homelessness, 2018.
2–4 "Time to Step Up: The Educational Crisis of Homeless Students in NYC," The Institute for Children, Poverty and Homelessness, 2019.
5 "Data on Student Homelessness in NYS," The New York State Education Department, 2019.

Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation's impact

8,709 students reached in 3 years.

In the news

The New York Times, October 2018
"New York City is arguably the philanthropic center of the world, but the philanthropic arm of the Frankfurt, Germany-based Deutsche Bank is the only organization that has given more than $1 million [over $3 million to date] to specifically support homeless students in recent years." more

Learn more about the grantees

Public Policy Lab - Logo

Counseling in Schools - Logo

NYC community schools - Logo

Henry Street Settlement - Logo

Leak and Watts - Logo

The Lower Eastside Girls Club - Logo

Partnership with Children - Logo

United Way - Logo

Institute for Children, Poverty & Homelessness - Logo