JSC "Deutsche Bank DBU"

List of all names that the bank had: (1) OJSC "Deutsche Bank DBU" (from 15.06.2009); (2) PJSC "Deutsche Bank DBU" (from 29.12.2010); and (3) JSC Deutsche Bank DBU (from 11.21/2018)
Legal form: joint-stock company (private joint-stock company)

Address: 20 Lavrska Street, Kyiv 01015, Ukraine
USREOU code: 36520434
Bank code (MFI): 380731

Detailed information on the bank:

Full name in Ukrainian: Акціонерне товариство "Дойче Банк ДБУ"
Full name in English: Joint Stock Company Deutsche Bank DBU
Short legal name in Ukrainian: АТ "Дойче Банк ДБУ"
Short legal name in English: JSC Deutsche Bank DBU
Date of state registration: 18.06.2009
Date of entry into the State Register of Banks: 19.06.2009
Registration number in the State Register of Banks: 332
Intrabank registration code: 40726804026300000000
Banking license (number): 254
Banking license (date): 11.12.2018

Details in the electronic payment system (EPS):

Name: JSC Deutsche Bank DBU

The Bank is a member of the Individual Deposit Guarantee Fund

The sole ultimate owner of a substantial stake in the bank is Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft (Germany), a public company whose shares are traded on the Frankfurt- and New-York Stock Exchanges